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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 34

Join us for the beginning of the WSLR FALL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! We’ll take your calls and also talk to Diane Desenberg about her experience at the People’s Congress of Resistance this September in Washington, D.C. Also tomorrow Gene Jones will talk about the work of the Florida Veterans for Common Sense. Gene writes in his […]

This week we’ll interview State College of Florida Philip Travis, PhD, about his recent books. He writes: “Less than a year ago I published an academic book with the Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group. The book is titled Reagan’s War on Terrorism in Nicaragua: The Outlaw State and it examines how the U.S.-Contra intervention in Nicaragua during the […]

This Wednesday 9/6/17 we’ll talk in the studio with Carrie Seidman, a reporter, critic and columnist for nearly forty years, and since 2010 with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. She’ll talk about her year-long effort called FACEing Mental Illness: The Art of Acceptance,  a collaborative art project aimed at reducing discrimination against those with mental health conditions and creating […]

Today on the first part of our show we’ll talk to National Nurses United spokesperson Vanessa Sylvester about the press conference to be held today in Venice to highlight concerns about the Venice Regional Medical Center’s new CEO Bob Moore. Moore, while at the Munroe Regional Medical Center, dismissed three nurses who complained when they […]

Wednesday, August 23 from 9 until 10 a.m., Bob will have several guests. Among them will be Neil Volz of the Florida Rights Restoration Commission which is committed to removing Florida’s civil rights ban imposed on citizens with past felony convictions. Florida is one of only three states that strip all such citizens of their civil […]

This Wednesday, August 16, we’ll talk to Stevie Freeman-Montes, the Sustainability Manager for the City of Sarasota.  Sarasota has a progressive sustainability program with environmental issues consistently ranked as a top community priority. As the Sustainability Manager, she works to plan and implement programs and policies that reduce negative environmental impacts from city operations, community […]

This Wednesday we’ll talk about NAFTA with Melinda St. Louis,  International Campaigns Director with Public Citizen‘s Global Trade Watch. Then we’ll interview Cheryl Schroeder, Treasurer, West Central Florida Labor Council, AFL-CIO.  

This Wednesday, August 2, we’ll interview Dr. Stephen Harlin, Medical Director of the Harlin Center for Precision Medicine.  Precision medicine is an emerging field of medicine whose goal is to identify individual variations in our genes that might influence our likelihood of developing specific diseases.  Precision medicine takes an in-depth look at your DNA, the […]

On Wednesday,, July 26 we’ll first talk to Michael Blake, DNC Vice Chair, who’ll talk about voter suppression,  voter protection and also about the healthcare votes taking place this week in the Senate. Next we’ll interview Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the Jubilee USA Network  Jubilee USA is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations […]

Lalia Abdelaziz from fightforthefuture.org will talk with us about their missions, one of which  is to ensure that the web continues to hold freedom of expression and creativity at its core. “We seek to expand the internet’s transformative power for good, to preserve and enhance its capacity to enrich and empower. We envision a world where […]