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WSLR Board Meeting

Event info
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm

Monday, August 21, 6pm

The WSLR Board meets monthly.  Board meetings are open to the public.  This month’s meeting will be virtual.  You will find the Zoom link and the Agenda for the meeting below.  You will be required to identify yourself if you attend the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 9864 1401
Passcode: 981144


  1. CHECK IN – Share an update on your life outside WSLR or a WSLR Ambassador moment from the past month. 
  • Approval of Agenda 
  • Approval of Minutes from June and July meetings
  • Committee Reports
  • Finance Committee – JR
  • Programming Committee Report – JR
  • Governance Committee Report – Dru
  • Fund Development Report – Paul
  • Management Team Report 
  • Anti-Racism and Cultural Inclusion Committee Report 
  • Q and A on Committee and Management Team Reports
  • Vote on approval of Consent Agenda
  1. Treasurer Report (Review of Financials) – JR
  • Updates and Changes since June 2023 Board Meeting
  • News Restricted Funds used to fund News Director
  • Move to accept Treasurer’s Report
  • Approve payment to Braxton/Holway 
  1. Public Comment


  1. Old Business
  • Follow up from Board Retreat
  • 2024 Rooted in Community Celebration (Paul)
  1. New Business
  • Board Composition 
  • Board Officers for upcoming year
  • Fall Donor Event – host; date; follow-up phone calls; people to invite- Paul
  • Fall Fund Drive – Jesse
  • Patterson Foundation Book Circles


  1. Public Comment
  2. Future Dates:
  • 8/28 – Black Giving Day – WBTT event/Fogartyville event
  • Fall Fund Drive Training – 9/9
  • Sept 18, 6pm – Board Meeting
  • Open House – A Celebration of Local – Sunday, September 24th 
  • Fall Fund Drive 10/4-10/10
  • Monday, October 16 – General Membership Meeting – in person at Fogartyville
  1. Motion to Adjourn – 7:30 (or sooner)