On Monday, Sarasota city commissioners will discuss the sale of a lot on Lido Beach to a private owner; on Wednesday, city planners will discuss a rezone request from the owner of a large property on the North Tamiami Trail, without a site plan; on Tuesday, Manatee County Commissioners will discuss reinstating the retail pet ban; on Wednesday, they will work on the Comprehensive Plan re-write.
Monday (02/17)
Sarasota City Commission regular meeting (agenda)
Highlights: Ordinance changes regarding community gardens, accessory uses to religious institutions, seawalls; sale of a park-zoned city-owned lot on Lido Beach to a private buyer; state legislative priorities; allowing a Lido Key homeowner to build a seawall.
9:00 AM
City Hall Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota
Tuesday (02/18)
Manatee County Commission regular meeting (agenda)
Highlights: Final plat for 21 residential lots at Lakewood Ranch; Rye Ranch Elementary School site plan; update on how to spend $200m-plus in HUD disaster recovery funding; reimbursing legal expenses of former Commissioner Van Ostenbridge; opioid education emergency funding for Boys & Girls Club; reinstating the retail pet ban; repairs to the Florida Maritime Museum.
8:30 AM
Manatee County Administration Building, Chambers, 1112 Manatee Avenue W., Bradenton
Sarasota County School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Dreamers Academy charter school expands grade levels; charter renewals for Island Village Montessori School and Sarasota Military School; K-12 science instructional material; public comment.
6:00 PM
Landings Administrative Complex 1980 Landings Blvd., Sarasota
Wednesday (02/19)
New College Foundation board of directors meeting (no agenda)
Highlights: No agenda available.
8:30 AM
The Keating Center, 441 College Drive, Sarasota
Zoom: https://ncf.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VBlABIR5QRiMpIS40-LZuA
City of Sarasota Development Review Committee (agenda)
Highlights: Hyatt redevelopment; Saravela highrise on North Trail and 4th; buyer of half a block on North Trail and 17th seeks an upzone, without providing a site plan (neighborhood workshop on Monday, Feb. 24). City-county joint project to build a sidewalk on the north side of Bay Road.
9:00 AM
City Hall chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota
Manatee County Commission special work session (agenda)
Highlights: Comprehensive Plan rewrite; US 41 beautification; stormwater.
9:00 AM
Manatee County Administration Building, Manatee and Osprey Rooms, fifth floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue W., Bradenton
City of Sarasota traffic calming town hall (agenda)
Highlights: Presentation on roundabouts, traffic circles, speed tables, raised intersections, median islands, on-street parking, median barriers and splitters. Opportunity for residents to provide input and public survey. More information here.
5:30 PM
City Hall, room 101, 1565 First Street, Sarasota
Thursday (02/20)
Friday (02/21)