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This Week in Local Government

Written by on Sunday, March 2, 2025

On Monday, City of Sarasota commissioners will discuss a historical landmark designation for the Van Wezel. On Wednesday, city planners will weigh a proposal for a massive mixed-use building downtown.


Monday (03/03)

City of Sarasota Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Sarasota Housing Authority’s project portfolio; historical landmark designation for the Van Wezel Performing Arts Center; allowing developers additional public art options; selling three city-owned properties on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way for $201,000 to the African American Cultural Coalition.

9:00 AM

City Hall chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Joint Manatee County Commission/City of Palmetto Commission work session (agenda)

Highlights: HUD disaster relief grant; affordable housing; infrastructure and traffic alternatives study; utilities and sewer connections; trails and parks; FDOT Palmetto-Bradenton Connector project.

1:30 PM

Manatee County Administration Building, Manatee and Osprey Rooms, fifth floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


Tuesday (03/04)

Manatee County Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Port Authority meeting; HUD disaster relief funding; Moccasin Wallow Road construction; US 41 beautification.

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, chambers, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


Sarasota School Board work session (agenda)

Highlights: Safety and security update; English Language Learner plan review; strategic plan update.

11:30 AM

Landings Administrative Complex, 1980 Landings Boulevard, Sarasota


City of Sarasota Downtown Master Plan Update Ad-Hoc Committee first meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Introduction of committee members, election of chair, presentation by city planning director.

5:30 PM

City Hall, commission chambers, 1565 1st Street, Sarasota


Wednesday (03/05)

City of Sarasota Development Review Committee (agenda)

Highlights: “Adagio” on Palm, Ringling and Pineapple: Using the Live Local Act and its attainable housing-for-higher-density clause, the developer says they are entitled to build a massive mixed-use project with two towers – one 18-floor, the other 9-floor; a six-floor, 22-unit mixed-use building with retail and restaurant downstairs, replacing the Checkers drive-through on Ringling Blvd. east of 301; without submitting a site plan, the owner of the Alderman Oaks assisted living facility on the southern edge of downtown asks for an upzone of the land to “Downtown Edge”; Newtown Gateway brownfield property on MLK Way, east of 301, upzone to “production – intensive commercial”.

9:00 AM

City Hall, commission chambers, 1565 1st Street, Sarasota


Thursday (03/06)



Friday (03/07)
