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December 6 at 9 a.m. – The Bayfront, Net Neutrality and “KC” Gibson for Governor

Written by on Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Wednesday December 6 show will cover three topics.

Sean Sellers, Chair of the Sarasota Climate Justice Coalition talking about the city’s Ready for 100 campaign and the plans for the  Bayfront. To keep up on this topic, go to sbpo.org.

Then we’ll air a short YouTube piece on Net Neutrality.Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, wants to destroy Net Neutrality. In May, the FCC voted to let Pai’s internet-killing plan move forward. By the end of the summer, the agency was flooded with more than 20 million comments. The vast majority of people commenting urged the FCC to preserve the existing Net Neutrality rules.

Time is running out: The FCC will vote on Pai’s proposal on Dec. 14. Join the millions who have already spoken out against it.

Finally, In the studio will be Kyle “KC” Gibson, running for Governor of Florida in 2018 – with “No Party Affiliation”