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Emerge SRQ’s Spring Networking Mixer Featuring Poet Charles Hines

Event info
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm

Emerge SRQ’s Spring Networking Mixer Featuring Poet Charles Hines | Saturday, April 13, 6-9 p.m.

Donations graciously accepted. Open to the public!


Register to Attend Here!


Plug in with Emerge SRQ at its first networking mixer of 2024! Anchored by Fogartyville’s Poets Unplugged, this networking mixer will provide Black, Brown, and multicultural young professionals in the region a vibes-filled kick-off to spring and an opportunity to create and foster connection, collaboration, and resources with other like-minded young professionals in our region.
6-7 p.m.: Networking
7:15 p.m.: Meet Emerge Sarasota
7:30 p.m: Raffles
8p.m: Poets Unplugged featured poet Charles Hines
9p.m.: Open Mic

About the featured poet Charles Hines Charles majored in English: Creative Writing at UCF; serving as President and Slam Coordinator for the college’s only spoken word organization Project: SPIT (Student Poetry Initiating Thought). From there, he’s touched the mic everywhere from Miami to Los Angeles. Recently, his credits include: Orlando Fusion Fest Slam Champion2020 and 2021,the GrowHouse Tampa Gab and Jab Poetry Slam Champion and Slammadness 2023 Runner Up and third ranked Indie Poet at the Southern Fried Poetry Slam 2023.  


Thanks to our 2023-2024 Spoken Word Series Sponsor – The Exchange.  Dedicated to the support of Sarasota and Manatee counties’ local arts community since its inception in 1962, The Exchange is a non-profit consignment store offering a diverse assortment of affordably priced furniture, along with women’s clothing, jewelry, crystal, china, silver, art, linens, oriental rugs and more.

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