The Black Feathers with Lazy Daisies (opening band) • Friday, Oct. 28, 8 p.m. • Doors open at 7:15 p.m.
Tickets: $15 members; $18 non-members; $9 students (ages 13+)
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The Black Feathers are Ray Hughes and Sian Chandler, a duo from Gloucestershire, England that play a blend of Americana, folk and acoustic indie rock. Their music will quickly draw the interest of Fogartyville listeners, but it is the stage chemistry that will keep them riveted.
Originally from the corn fields of Ohio, husband and wife duo Lazy Daisies took their love for music to Sarasota in 2013 — “keepin’ it groovy, stayin’ mellow.”
Paid for in part by Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax revenues
**Food will not be available for purchase so attendees are able to bring food into the venue. Beverages and Snacks will be available for purchase.