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This week in local government

Written by on Sunday, August 4, 2024

On Monday, the Sarasota City Commission is expected to approve a settlement with the family of a man who died in police custody. It will discuss expanding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to include rentals, allowing increased density for a townhome project on Beneva, letting Benderson redevelop Southgate Mall with only 10% attainable housing, and demolition of the Colson Hotel. The city’s Development Review Committee and a citizen workshop will discuss Transfer of Development Rights to protect historical structures.

Monday (08/05)

City of Sarasota Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Presentation about award for the city’s attainable housing density bonus program; settlement with the family of John Kaafi, who died in police custody; expanding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to include rental properties; allowing increased density on 8 acres off Beneva Rd. near Circus Blvd.; allowing community gardens in downtown; setting criteria for the ad hoc committee that will review the Downtown Master Plan; discussion whether Southgate Mall developers should get rezone with only 10% attainable housing; demolition of Colson Hotel; sale of a city-owned lot on 15th St. to the Humane Society.

9:00 AM

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Tuesday (08/06)

Manatee County School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: ESOL update; 2024-25 instructional priorities; new school year updates; National Farmworker Jobs grant; naming the Bayshore High football field.

10:00 AM

Walter E. Miller School Support Center, 215 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, FL 34205


City of Sarasota community workshop (agenda)

Highlights: Community workshop to lay out rules of how historic buildings will be allowed to be moved to different locations. The intent is to implement a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program to preserve historical structures.

5:30 PM

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


City of North Port Commission special meeting (agenda)

Highlights: 27-acre rezone and change to West Villages District Pattern Plan; major changes to the unified land development code and zoning map.

6:00 PM

City Hall chambers, 4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port


Sarasota School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Approval of 2024-25 student progression plan; education services for homeless children and youth; approval of higher student meal prices.

6:00 PM

Landings auditorium, 1980 Landings Blvd., Sarasota


Wednesday (08/07)

City of Sarasota Development Review Committee regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Beneva Road Townhomes, a D.R. Horton project next to the Bobby Jones golf course and park; Pier 550, a luxury condo high-rise on Golden Gate Point, consolidating six lots; modernization of Orioles spring training facility; transfer of development rights to preserve historic structures.

9:00 AM

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Thursday (08/08)

Manatee County Commission land-use meeting (agenda)

Highlights: County impact fees; removing transportation concurrency from comprehensive plan; changes to the Seaport Manatee master plan.

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, Chambers, First Floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


Friday (08/09)
