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This Week in Local Government

Written by on Sunday, July 14, 2024

On Monday, the Sarasota City Commission will again discuss legal expenses for Commissioner Battie’s defense in Franklin v Battie, and there will be a hearing about another public housing project in Newtown. On Tuesday, the Sarasota School Board will discuss new rules for public comment, school meal pricing, and career and technical education.


Monday (07/15)

City of Sarasota Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion of controversial agreement with The Players theater in Payne Park; discussion of paying attorney’s fees for Commissioner Battie’s defense in Franklin v. Battie; hearing about the Sarasota Housing Authority’s plans to tear down 64 public housing units in Newtown and replace them with 144 units.

9:00 AM

Special meeting at 5:30 PM: Second reading about inclusion of solar utilities in comprehensive plan.

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Tuesday (07/16)

Sarasota County School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Approval of 2024-25 Reading Plan; transfer of Florida House ownership from county to school board; $1 million in state funding for fire fighting program; approval of new rules for public comment at board meetings; adopting rules to comply with several legislative changes in Tallahassee; hiring of the first private schools specialist.

6:00 PM

In the morning, there is a closed session to discuss settlement of a lawsuit, and at 11:00 AM there is a workshop to discuss hurricane preparation, student meal pricing, and career and technical education.

School Board Auditorium, 1980 Landings Blvd., Sarasota


Wednesday (07/17)

City of Sarasota Development Review Committee (agenda)

Highlights: Six-story, 19-unit luxury apartment complex on N. Orange Ave. with downstairs retail; Sarasota Youth Sailing building in Ken Thompson Park; 102-room hotel just south of airport.

9:00 AM

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Thursday (07/18)



Friday (07/19)
