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Reception for Exhibition of Paintings by Jade Griffin

Event info
Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm

Reception for “The First Theatre Production” exhibition of paintings by Jade Griffin | Tuesday, Sept. 19, 5:30 p.m.*

Works are for sale and will be on view through Oct. 15

Jade Griffin‘s artwork is a visual representation of how she interprets her perspective on life and people through her characters and compelling, narrative-driven storytelling. Aspects of identity, politics and African-American culture can be found in Griffin’s work.

As Griffin integrates abstract brushstrokes, proliferating limbs and dramatized facial expressions into each subject, she reveals the emotional and mental state of each figure at that given moment in time. Griffin proclaims the personality and the plot of her work are sources driven by her life experiences, culture, music and everyday life.

Griffin’s work has been featured in group exhibitions: Love Your Rebellion’s “Murals on Tour” (2021-2022), Alliance for the Art’s “Challenging Stereotypes” (2022) and Fabulous Arts Foundation’s “JUST SAY GAY” (2022) at Fogartyville.

Artist’s Statement:

When I look at a blank canvas, I know there’s a world living inside, I just need to discover it. My drive comes from my desire to express my inner thoughts about the world and to explore my inner imagination and emotions. My fascination with abstract expressionism and surrealism dates back to my childhood. We perceive what we see to be true on the surface, yet we feel what is true deeper than what we can see in everyday reality. As an artist, I seek to see the truth in humanity, myself, people, and their true nature. The colors I choose, the brushstrokes I make, and aggressive or intricate strokes of paint upon my characters all contribute to the story of my paintings. They all offer a feeling beyond what words can comprehend. Every one of them plays a part in my exploration of today’s humanity and the world around me.

“It’s Time For The Show” (2023) oil on un-stretched canvas (33 in. x 32 in.) by Jade Griffin


*The screening of “One Pint at a Time” immediately follows Griffin exhibition reception. If you plan on staying for the screening please reserve your free spot here.

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