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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 24

This Wednesday at 9am our guests in the studio will be Carol Rescigno, President, and Patrick McLain of the Sarasota chapter of the Brady (formerly the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence). The Sarasota Brady chapter is in its seventh year of fighting for gun violence prevention. We’ll talk about progress made and pending legislation. […]

This Wednesday, February 12th at 9am, Bob and I will have as a guest in the studio the Honorable Erika Quartermaine, County Court Judge of the 12th. Judicial Circuit Court. An impressive array of “specialty courts” — Mental Health Court, Comprehensive Treatment Court, Drug Court, DUI Court, Veterans Court and TYLA Court (for victims of […]

This Wednesday, February 5 at 9am our guest will be Florida Studio Theatre’s Literary Associate Meg Gilbert who is helping with the year-long Suffragist Project, an artistic celebration of the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment (August 20, 2020), the woman’s right to vote. Bringing together over 55 organizations, this bi-county artistic commemoration will […]

This Wednesday, January 29 at 9am, we’ll have as our guest Peter Georgescu, author of the book Capitalists, Arise!: End Economic Inequality, Grow the Middle Class, Heal the Nation. Peter will be speaking at Sarasota Institute for Lifetime Learning the same morning. For tickets go to www.sillsarasota.org. Peter Georgescu arrived in this country as a […]

Our first guest this Wednesday will be Erik Gustafson, Executive Director of EPIC: Enabling Peace in Iraq Center. EPIC was founded by veterans of the Gulf War in 1998. We’ll also be joined by Gene Jones and John Feagan from the Florida Veterans for Common Sense. Erik writes: “One timely topic worth discussing will be […]

This Wednesday, January 15 at 9am, our guest will be Shirley Bascom, President of the Venice Interfaith Community Association. She’ll talk about their new series, American Racism: Yours, Mine and Ours Part II.   2020 Winter Series  Emmanuel Lutheran Church790 S Tamiami Trail, VeniceMondays at 7:00 p.m.  Join us for our 2020 Winter Series, American Racism: […]

Bob has invited “peace poet’,” Linda Ohlson Graham to be our guest in the studio this Wednesday, January 8. Here’s what she writes on her website at lindaohlsongraham.com: Hello, I’m a traveler and a Peace Poet. ALL of Humanity is invited to join me in creating a quiet and peaceful experience for thE entirety of Creation. I’m very honored to […]

Sal Serbin, White Horse, will be with us on New Years Day. Sal is the host of WSLR’s Indigenous Sounds on Monday nights, and he’ll be our guest on the Peace and Justice Report this Wednesday, Jan 1, 2020 at 9am. Sal is an Assiniboine/Sioux whose grandfather was in the Battle of Little Bighorn in […]

On Christmas Day, this Wednesday December 25th at 9am, Peace & Justice will feature an interview with the founder of Food Not Bombs, Keith McHenry. Artist, activist, and author Keith McHenry co-founded Food Not Bombs in Boston with seven friends in 1980. He enjoyed his childhood living at the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Shenandoah and several […]

This coming Wednesday, December 18, our guest will be Mel Goodman. We’ll talk about whistleblowers, national security surveillance of American citizens, and the Ukraine. We’ll also discuss his new book American Carnage: The Wars of Donald Trump. The book identifies efforts to politicize the military and intelligence communities; the efforts to undermine and degrade essential […]