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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 36

This Wednesday, April 5, our first guest will be Jeanne Massey, Executive Director of Fair Vote Minnesota. She’s speaking this Sunday at Fogartyville at 3 p.m. about Ranked Choice Voting (formerly ‘Instant Runoff’ voting). The website fairvote.org has more information on RCV. Then we’ll have a pre-recorded conversation with Ria Cooper, Education and Outreach Specialist at […]

This Wednesday morning, March 29, at 9 a.m. we’ll have Andy Mele from Suncoast Waterkeeper and Adrien Lucas  talking about local threats to our environment and efforts to resist them. Then Ali Vallarta will talk about the Sarasota Film Festival being held from March 31 to April 9, mostly at the Hollywood 20 theaters. She’ll […]

Join us this Wednesday, March 22, at 9 a.m. as we talk with Larry Cohen, the Board Chair of Our Revolution. Our Revolution has three intertwined goals: to revitalize American democracy, to empower progressive leaders and to elevate political consciousness. Larry will be appearing at Fogartyville Wednesday evening. See criticaltimes.org and their great Activist Calendar […]

This Wednesday, March 15, at 9 a.m. our guests for the first half hour will be Terry Bracket and Ann Fries of the Through Women’s Eyes Film Festival in Sarasota – coming to the Hollywood 20 Saturday and Sunday April 1 and 2. It features films written, directed or produced by women. It’s a “festival […]

First we’ll talk to Ron Turner, the newly elected Supervisor of Elections for Sarasota County. Ron will have new voting and election statistics and will explain exactly how an election is carried  out. Next we’ll talk to Adrien Lucas, a local business owner and activist currently opposing the proposed sale of county land for two […]

Peace & Justice has moved! Please join Bob Connors and Tom Walker tomorrow, October 5, at 9AM for a discussion of two topics: Our first guest will be Nathan Proctor, the national campaign director with Fair Share, working on corporate taxes and corporate accountability. Fair Share is a national grassroots organizing group that stand for “an […]