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In their book Stories are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind Annalee Newitz looks at how the manipulation of information has distorted American history and influenced current elections. The interview will air on Friday, Dec. 6th at 6:30pm or you can listen to the podcast version here

The annual Buddha’s Enlightenment Show is on the air.  Fun songs with zen and buddha in them plus more as Eclectricity returns every two weeks starting this Wednesday at 9 pm.  Go to Archives if you miss the show and find the show name and the date it aired.  You will have two weeks to […]

This Wednesday at 9 am, we talked to John Nichols about our recent election. He’s The Nation magazine’s national affairs correspondent will be at Fogartyville this Saturday night December 7!

In his book Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity David Jay Brown interviews people who look at the world in some very non-traditional ways. I talked to him about how we experience the world and why psychedelics like DMT might be the door to a new understanding of our minds and consciousness. This episode of The […]

A Sarasota theater presents interviews with real-life people. Now they want to take the show to the community. 

The Sarasota County Commission has ignored most of them.

First day on the job for two, and two commissioners gone – and they already delivered some surprises.

Will mass layoffs affect Manatee County’s uninsured and low-income patients?

 WSLR+Fogartyville Board Meeting Agenda November 18, 2024 6:00 PM at Fogartyville ZOOM LINK:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88382328237?pwd=ZFAwdWJWYStFais1bVpkeHVONGN4Zz09 Meeting ID: 883 8232 8237 Passcode: 945232 — One tap mobile +13052241968,,88382328237#,,,,*945232# US +16465588656,,88382328237#,,,,*945232# US (New York) ITEMS TO ACCOMPLISH THIS MEETING:   Please note that we are using a “Consent Agenda” to address our routine business. This will be moved […]

This Wednesday Nov. 13 on Peace & Justice at 9am, Tom will talk to Rafael Martinez, author of Illegalized – Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States.