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Blues2Bluegrass Nov. 4th 7 to 9am

Written by on Tuesday, October 31, 2017

After 2 weeks I am back and ready to let you have it! As usual(in my opinion) I will be playing a great show of varying styles and sometimes obscure or unknown musicians. During the 4th set(last) I will try to cover some of the musicians I was able to see(locally) and maybe some of the ones coming up.
remember: you can request/comment @ 941-954-8686 (Studio #)
you can see the song lists(music is available for 2 weeks only) for all the shows at the WSLR web site home page click on PROGRAMMING>DAY, find the show you are looking for(on the day you have chosen). Next click on READ, scroll down to playlists and click on PICK A DATE pick the date & Botta-Bing. The list is only available after the show is completed(over).
Thank you to all who have donated to the fund drive and if you haven’t please do so(we are still a little shy of our goal)