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This Wednesday, March 27 at 9am, we’ll interview two of the leaders of ROOTS, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Noon A’wad. Roots is fostering a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians. 

If the Wells Fargo branch office vote passes, they would be among the first bankers nationwide to join a union.

In contrast to the City of Sarasota, re-use of treatment plant water is not being considered.

At a small rally outside Sarasota City Hall, neighborhood organizers ask to stop Ken Thompson Park project.

‘Pedro y el Lobo’ features a local music teacher, chance to try instruments, and chat with musicians.

On WSLR’s Peace & Justice Report, a former state senator and the Sarasota Public Defender discuss prison dysfunction.

The president of NCUFF elaborates.

County defunding prompts private donation to rescue 211 helpline.

This Wednesday, March 20 at 9am, we’ll talk to former FL Senator Jeff Brandes about his new Florida Policy Project working on housing affordability, insurance, transportation and criminal justice. 

Faculty voted 25-1 to censure their college administration over the billionaire-led ‘Great Books’ program.