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Bringing some new music your way today as well as some Artists from the past and present Orange Blossom Festival taking place this week. Happy Monday

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Rutgers Athletic Center, New Brunswick, NJ May 15, 1981 SBD > Master Cassette > Reel > Dat (48k) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller Takes a few minutes for them to get the soundboard mix right… Disc 1 – Set 1: 1. tuning 2. […]

Joining Lew and Bill this week will be Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters for America, a Web-based, non-profit organization that monitors the veracity of news coverage on conservative media outlets, which means they watch a lot of Fox News.  However, on the media landscape some things are changing with the progressive-identified MSNBC […]

I’ll be telling the story of the Carter Family in word and song on this edition of Eclectricity.  It is an amazing story which is multi-generational and covers decades in their various incarnations.  You’ll learn about The Bristols Sessions; Border Radio and how Johnny Cash first heard June Carter singing.  Hope you can listen in […]

Be sure to keep it tuned to 96.5 Tuesday afternoon as we continue our search for the best song titles of all time. Not necessarily the best musically, but I promise that the lyrics will  make you smile! We also have new music cued up from BR549, Bob Schneider, Bill Scorzari, The Shins, The Reverend […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, N.Y. May 8, 1981 MATRIX MIX: SBD/2 AUD (About 60%/40%) by Hunter Seamons: SBD > Master Cassette > Dat transfered and patched By Charlie Miller AUD 1: AUDMC: NAK-700’s > SONY TC-D5M by Barry Glassberg FOB AUD 2: AUDMC: Senn […]

On today’s broadcast of your Tuesday Drive Home, we’ll preview the Michael Reno Harrell performance coming up this Sunday evening at Fogartyville. You’ll not want to miss this chance to experience a sampling of Michael’s wit and wisdom as a singer-songwriter. We’ll have our usual sprinkling of quirky Americana tunes that’ll bring a smile to […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Va. MOTB Release: 0074 16/44.1: May 1, 1981 Analog Audience Source: FOB Master Cassettes (MAC) Taper: Bob Wagner; transfer: Adam Egert; master: Derek McCabe There is booth a Charlie Miller soundboard AND a Hunter Seamons “matrix” recording out there, but this AUD […]

The challenge of restoring voting rights for felons who have served their time took an important step forward this month with the approval of the language of a proposed amendment to the state constitution by the Florida Supreme Court. Desmond Meade and Neil Volz of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition  will join Bill Stoner and Lew […]

I’m back on the air  with some far out west tunes.   Thanks to everyone who donated during the Spring Fund Drive and to Susan Runyun for letting me host the next couple of shows.  Turn on (your radio or computer);  tune in (to Eclectricity on your community radio station) and you don’t have to […]