Florida Veterans for Common Sense Thomas Paine 288th Birthday Party | Monday , February 24, 5:30p.m. to 9:30pm|
Tickets: $50
Join Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) for its annual birthday party celebrating the life of founding patriot, Thomas Paine. Each year, FLVCS awards our annual Thomas Paine Award to a patriot who follows in the legacy of Thomas Paine to defend our democracy and advance the promise of America. This year’s Thomas Paine Award winner is Tom Edwards. Tom stands as a voice of reason on the Sarasota County School Board. He is a moderate voice advocating for the freedom of teachers, the rights of ALL students and parents, and the preservation of public schools from the destructive, political winds of privatization.
As a Sarasota County School Board member, Tom has a proven track record of standing up for the democratic values this community cherishes and leading the district with integrity, intelligence, and innovation.
Food and Drink: A Mexican Buffet is included in the ticket price. Sodas, tea, coffee, beer and wine will be available for purchase.
The FLVCS party honors the legacy of Thomas Paine who is credited with turning the American rebellion into the American Revolution for Independence through his best-selling political tract, Common Sense. He was the first to use the term United States of America. He wrote The Crisis Papers at the behest of General George Washington. Paine’s call to action rallied the Continental Army troops to continue the fight after the retreat and defeat at New York. Contemporaries noted, “Without the pen of Paine, Washington would have wielded his sword in vain.”
FLVCS is an active veteran’s group. Working with its sister 501 (c)(3), Florida Veterans for Common Sense Fund, Inc. (FLVCS Fund). They have helped sponsor and initiate such projects as Courts Assisting Veterans, the first statewide Women’s Veterans Conference, The Sarasota Stand Down for Homeless Veterans, Green Path Veterans Farms (now-Operation Eco Vets), and Sarasota Urban Reforestation (SURF) that plants Microforests, and more.
For more information Florida Veterans for Common Sense, email contact@FLVCS.US, or visit www.flvcs.us