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Peace & Justice June 7 – Plastic Bags and Creative Nonviolence

Written by on Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Today we had Rhonda Ryan from Sarasota Bay Watch and Jana Hoefling from Stand Up Fight Back SRQ talking about plastics and the meeting TONIGHT at 6pm at Fogartyville “Rethinking plastic – unfortunately, recycling is not enough.” Several experts, from fields including biology (Mote Marine) and nutrition (our own Eve Plews) will talk about plastic.

In the second half of the program we interviewed Kathleen Kelly who co-coordinates Voices for Creative Nonviolence, (vcnv.org), a campaign to end U.S. military and economic warfare.   She mentioned two other sites: ourjourneytosmile.com/blog/ and globaldaysoflistening.com worth checking out.  Kathy talked about Yemeni victims of starvation and warfare carried out by Saudi Arabia with the aid of U.S. weapons.