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Peace & Justice Wednesday, 10/25/17 – 9 am – George Friday

Written by on Sunday, October 22, 2017

This Wednesday we’ll talk to George Friday.  She’ll  be the Saturday keynote speaker at the Critical Times Conference  starting Friday,  November 3 at Fogartyville. The conference title is Critical Times: Taking Action for  Economic Justice and Democracy. REGISTER HERE.

Here’s her summary of what she’ll be talking about:

Building a Justice Movement, Ending Oppression, and Creating Democracy

US culture  – greed, oppression (rooted in racism & patriarchy), spiritual bankruptcy – can damage our ability to stay well in the best sense and sustain the ability to build radical power and stay “in it”.  

I will discuss vital survival techniques to;

                Recognize and address gaps in your support team or process

                Establish and maintain needed boundaries

                Discern healthy and useful from chaotic and unstable

And I will discuss the Movement TAmend the Constitution to abolish corporate personhood and money as speech, and to build a democracy movement across issues and oppressions that works together to replace our current corporate system with a system of justice for all.

Ms. Friday serves on Move to Amend’s National Leadership Team. She has also served as National Field Organizer for the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and worked with the Independent Progressive Politics Network. George works with grassroots community and national organizations providing leadership development and skills training ranging from strategic planning and organizing to fundraising, marketing, and community building.