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Peace & Justice Wednesday 3-21-18 – The History of Populism in the U.S.

Written by on Sunday, March 18, 2018

This Wednesday, March 21, we’ll have in the studio Brendan Goff,  Assistant Professor of History at New College. Brendan will talk about populism in the US in the 19th and 20th centuries, and bring it into the present where possible.
Coincidentally, Brendan is from the part of Allegheny county in Pennsylvania that just voted to elect Conor Lamb, so we may talk about that election a bit as well.

Brendan Goff received his Ph.D. in History at the University of Michigan in 2008 (with a focus on modern U.S. international history). Before coming to New College of Florida, Dr. Goff held a post-doctoral fellowship at the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Michigan and then served as a lecturer in the Honors Program at the University of Michigan.

Before entering the Ph.D. program at Michigan, Dr. Goff was a freelance English teacher in Madrid, Spain; worked in a major bank in New York City; studied philosophy in Glasgow, Scotland; assisted in the government and community affairs division of the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, D.C., and attended seminary.

At 9:30 we’ll play a brief interview with Kat Calvin, the founder of Spread the Vote. Click HERE to join in on her Zoom webcast Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Her group works in five states to help residents get proper ids for voting and other purposes. See spreadthevote.org.

After that we’ll have as a guest August Ventura, a devotee of the life and art of Giuseppe Verdi. He’ll explore the composer’s “enduring legacy” through an initiative he started called “27: the Verdi documentary film project”, in which he makes the case for Verdi’s twenty-seven operas as an agent of social and political change.  He is in Sarasota to present a lecture-screening at the  Sarasota Opera House on Thursday at 4PM.