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This Week in Local Government

Written by on Friday, April 5, 2024

On Tuesday, the Sarasota County Commission will vote on a rezone for a mixed-use development proposal on the Sarasota Square Mall property – without any affordable housing. Commissioner Moran will put United Way Suncoast on the hotseat after it pushed back against the county’s social service defunding. Also on Tuesday, the Venice City Council will vote on higher density requested for 324 acres east of I-75. On Thursday, the New College Board of Trustees will vote on a $200K bonus for President Corcoran and on the denial of tenure for a music professor.


Monday (04/08)

City of Sarasota Commission workshop (agenda)

Highlight: Changes to the Special Events Ordinance.

9:00 AM

City Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota.


Community Workshop (announcement)

Highlight: Allowing a private elementary school with up to 20 students to operate in the existing community building of the Janies Garden public housing complex in Newtown.

5:30 PM

Janies Garden – Community Building, 2300 Central Ave., Sarasota


City of North Port Commission special meeting (agenda)

Highlight: Discussion and possible action regarding funding options for the new police headquarters.

9:00 AM

City Hall chambers, 4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port, FL 34286


Tuesday (04/09)

Sarasota County Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlight: Discussion and vote on Sarasota Square Mall rezone, without affordable housing in the developer’s proposal. Chair Moran will put United Way Suncoast in the hotseat.

9:00 AM

Robert L. Anderson Administration Center, 4000 South Tamiami Trail, Commission Chamber, Venice, FL


Venice City Council regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Granting higher density to developer on 324 acres east of I-75; approval of Financial Year 2025 strategic plan; plaque remembering relocation of African American families in 1970s.

9:00 AM

City Hall chambers, 401 West Venice Avenue, Venice, FL 34285


City of North Port Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Annexing 1.8 acres of land from Sarasota County; adopting a “Long-Term Disaster Recovery and Resilience Strategy”; adding $2.3 million to the existing budget to hire 10 police officers;

6:00 PM

City Hall Chambers, 4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port, FL 34286 


Wednesday (04/10)

City of Bradenton Council regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Special permit for an “indoor amusement center and lounge” at 412 12th St. W; upzoning of five parcels near Riverside Dr. to “general urban”; upzoning of 22 parcels along 9th St. E.  to “urban center”.

8:30 AM

City Hall Council Chambers, 101 Old Main St., Bradenton


City of Sarasota Planning Board (agenda)

Highlights: Zoning changes for solar electric utilities; 4th Street Residences; Bobby Jones Golf Course clubhouse; higher density for North Pompano property; Lofts on Lemon 2 public housing.

9:00 AM

City Hall, Commission Chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota, FL


Thursday (04/11)

Manatee County Commission Planning Commission (agenda)

Highlights: Turning 68 acres on 25th St. East into conserved land; rezone of 10 acres of agricultural land near Lakewood Ranch to planned development; rezone of 23 acres of agricultural land at 44th Avenue East and 45th Street East to build 200 apartments, 25% of them affordable.

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, Honorable Patricia M. Glass Chambers, First Floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


New College Board of Trustees monthly meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Will the board grant Corcoran a $200,000 bonus? Tenure to four professors, denial to one professor.

2:00 PM

Sudakoff Hall, New College east campus. Livestream on New College YouTube channel


Friday (04/12)
