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What happened to the New College Six protesters?

Written by on Wednesday, August 7, 2024

After a scolding in the Wall Street Journal and broad allegations, Corcoran settles on letter-writing.

By Florence Fahringer

Original Air Date: August 7, 2024

Host: After an eventful graduation ceremony in May that included a malfunctioning audio system, back-turning by students to the commencement speaker, and occasional “Free Palestine” chants, the New College administration threatened disciplinary measures against six graduating students. Florence Fahringer talked to one of them to get an update.

The event saw elevated police presence, including officers that did not seem to be campus police.

Florence Fahringer: New College’s official graduation ceremony did not go well this year. The special guest of the event, Chicago billionaire Joe Ricketts, found himself unable to deliver his speech, largely due to technical difficulties. In a scattered few moments, students interrupted his speech with cries of “Free Palestine.” After 15 minutes, Ricketts threw in the towel, sitting back down to cheers and jeers from the crowd. 

The New College administration pursued disciplinary measures against six of its graduating students in the days which followed. President Richard Corcoran revealed in an op-ed to the Wall Street Journal that he put the blame squarely on the students, and as such expected apology letters from each of them. Students found out that Corcoran had put a hold on their transcripts for the time being. 

Two months later, Joshua Epstein — one of the disciplined students — sums up the results of the disciplinary actions. Full disclosure: Joshua was an intern at WSLR in the Spring of 2023. 

Joshua Epstein: So when this started out he wanted an apology letter to the board of trustees, to whatever his name is, Joe Ricketts, and he also wanted us to take a civil discourse class and he was like “this is what you’re doing, blah, blah, blah, blah,” and was content that we were going to all be found guilty and, and show trial court, whatever. He apparently didn’t. I mean, I don’t know what happened what changed in the calculus. I understand rumors that, Ricketts took funding, like we didn’t want to be associated with New College anymore, or that his course was just so under enrolled that he just, like, gave up on college funding. But Corcoran, through alumni putting through, we got in contact with alumni and alumni, put pressure on Corcoran. and through them putting pressure on Corcoran, he essentially gave up.

Richard Corcoran, trying to fix Joe Ricketts’ microphone during his speech.

FF: Joshua describes the evolution of the consequences, from apology letters to just letters. 

JE: And he said, instead of what originally had to be apology letters, he said, I just want to get you to do it, and it’ll be done. He said if we just wrote a letter that just outlined our thoughts to Joe Ricketts, like literally just a letter that contained anything. And then we were done, which is obviously like we were like, “Sounds good to us.” And then we literally, like, my letter just said, hi. sorry you didn’t get to deliver your speech. As you know, the AV system failed, and we couldn’t hear you. I hope next time, I’d love to read a copy of your speech. You know, if you’d like to talk, I’d love to get in contact with you. And I get career advice. Thanks, Joshua. That was my letter. and then other student letters was like. I’m sorry New College used you as a pawn. Like, it was literally just a bunch of letters like that. So that’s what, what, two months of withholding? I had degree

FF: At the beginning of this process, Joshua was confused as to why he was being disciplined: He claims to have not been one of the voices chanting for a “Free Palestine,” and in the past described himself as an outspoken advocate for Israel — he was even wearing his “free the hostages” necklace at graduation. He says the video evidence the administration had gathered exonerated him, showing his silence during the chants. Joshua and his peers now have a theory as to why Corcoran singled them out for disciplinary action. 

JE: We were all sitting close to the front, close to the same area together in the front. So that’s what we did. That’s just the students that are on the camera.

FF: And you saying to the front, because your last name is early in the alphabet, right?

JE: Yeah, yeah. All of our last names were, pretty early, I believe. I believe so I believe we’re all sitting in the first few rows

FF: (laughter)

JE: These morons is like the only places they have their cameras focused.

FF: Okay, so, your transcripts were almost revoked in the end because your last name starts with E?

JE: Yeah, essentially. Yeah, it would be, everyone gets their transcripts except for those with last names between the letter B and…every other whatever.

FF: A few days ago, Joshua’s punishment came to an end, as his ability to access his transcripts was restored.

This is Florence Fahringer, reporting for WSLR News.

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