Author: Arlene Sweeting

Page: 3

ATTN: FANS of COMMUNITY RADIO:  The FCC is considering a proposal that would increase wattage for many LPFM radio stations from 100 to 250 watts. This is a VERY EXCITING and UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITY that would help our low power stations exponentially! It is important for EVERYONE who cares about community broadcasting in the United States […]

The WSLR Board of Directors will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, May 17th at 6pm via Zoom.  Members are welcome to attend and provide feedback to the Board. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 1580 6343 Passcode: 230919 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89615806343#,,,,*230919# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,89615806343#,,,,*230919# US (New York)

In honor of Black History WSLR will host their second African American Takeover Day on Saturday, February 20 from 7am-7pm. You’ll hear from artists, doctors, musicians, community activists and more. The full schedule of programming appears below. Broadcast Schedule: 7-9am –The Saturday Morning Gospel Beat with Jonah Ray shares music and songs from and for […]

WSLR 96.5, Sarasota’s community radio station, will be pre-empting regular programming for most of the day on Saturday, June 6th, building on a block of existing African American programming to let black voices in our community be heard.  Listeners interested in being part of the conversation can call or text 941-954-8636.  Some of the programming will also be […]