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Board of Directors

The WSLR+Fogartyville Board meets on the third Monday of the month, 6:30pm, at WSLR, 525 Kumquat Court, Sarasota, FL  34236. Meetings are open to the public.

Note: Meetings are occasionally rescheduled due to holidays or other date conflicts; please call the station at 941-894-6469 to confirm the date and time of any particular monthly meeting.

The Board consists of community members that are vetted by the current Board and are appointed to serve a 2-year term. A member of the Management Team is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board.  The Board appoints new members in October of each year. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please complete our Board Application and email it to info@wslr.org with the SUBJECT: Board Application, or mail it to Governance Committee, Board of Directors, PO Box 2540, Sarasota, FL  34230.

  • The Board governs the organization, which owns the assets of WSLR, including physical assets, the property at 525 Kumquat Court, and the FCC license.
  • The Board is responsible for advancing the mission of WSLR. 
  • The Board establishes working committees that make recommendations for consideration by the full Board. The Board establishes prudent fiscal policies, approves an annual budget, conducts planning retreats, and approves personnel policies, editorial statements and programming policies.
  • The Board is responsible for strategic planning.
  • The Board participates in the fundraising functions of WSLR.

Information about committees and meetings is available here.


WSLR Bylaws (revised and approved 6/2023).  


WSLR+Fogartyville’s Strategic Plan is available here.