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This Wednesday at 9 a.m. we’ll get a report from Deanie Bergbreiter and Arlene Sweeting on the People’s Summit which was held in Chicago June 9-11. The summit included plenary and workshop sessions devoted to key issues such as the Fight for 15, mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, voting rights and expanding democratic participation, a […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” I learned of the passing of Matt Reynolds, tour “guru” for The Dark Star Orchestra, the weekend before last, and I already had last week’s show programmed, so I am breaking ranks with both myself and my show “rules” tonight by featuring a Dead-related concert not nearly […]

Jono Miller (above) longtime local environmental activist and advocate will join Steve and Lew  to talk about environmental issues ranging from the national disgrace of Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the Paris Accord on climate change and cuts to the EPA budget to the state legislature’s failure to honor voters wish to buy more […]

Join us today for two hours of roots and boots music that includes a handful of old favorites, a couple from artists you’ve likely never heard from before, a couple of tunes bordering on the humorous, and new music from the likes of Will Hoge with Sheryl Crow, Shannon McNally, AJ Hobbs, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, […]

This Wednesday Sarasota resident Jeffrey Orenstein will talk about his new PAC Stand Up 4 Democracy and its goal of raising money from small member donations in order to elect  progressives to Congress and the state legislature. Jeffrey is a former political science professor and has written such books as Fixing American Government: Ending Gridlock […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” I had already programmed this broadcast when I learned of the passing of Matt Reynolds, tour “guru” for The Dark Star Orchestra, and so I am breaking ranks with both myself and my show “rules” by featuring a Dead-related concert not nearly from “today in history” in […]

Joining Steve and Lew this week is Dee Hunter (above) who is part of a coalition of civil rights advocates that launched the Voting Rights Project in Georgia, which is an effort to prevent yet another election from being stolen. Hunter will tell us how Republican officials in Georgia are trying to use CrossCheck and other methods […]

Today we had Rhonda Ryan from Sarasota Bay Watch and Jana Hoefling from Stand Up Fight Back SRQ talking about plastics and the meeting TONIGHT at 6pm at Fogartyville “Rethinking plastic – unfortunately, recycling is not enough.” Several experts, from fields including biology (Mote Marine) and nutrition (our own Eve Plews) will talk about plastic. […]

Two hours of Americana Roots and Boots Music as we listen to a sampling of tunes from artists who meet at the confluence of folk, country, r&b, and rock and roll. Join us this afternoon as we hear new offerings from Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, Slaid Cleaves, Justin Townes Earle, Chris Stapleton, North […]

Hey, It’s me Mandy letting you know the waters warming up here in Sarasota FL and I love to swim and listen to WSLR 96.5fm. Tune in today 4-6pm for another addition of “From the Mountains and Beyond” Playing a mix of new and fun tunes.  Happy Monday