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Peace & Justice – Our Revolution’s Larry Cohen & Spring Fund Drive

Written by on Sunday, March 19, 2017

Join us this Wednesday, March 22, at 9 a.m. as we talk with Larry Cohen, the Board Chair of Our Revolution. Our Revolution has three intertwined goals: to revitalize American democracy, to empower progressive leaders and to elevate political consciousness. Larry will be appearing at Fogartyville Wednesday evening. See criticaltimes.org and their great Activist Calendar for details and tickets.

This Wednesday morning we’ll also be starting our SPRING FUND DRIVE!

2017 WSLR Membership Drive – A Future to Believe In

Over the last ten years, WSLR Community Radio has grown to provide a true independent media and music voice for our community. Because of this growth, we find ourselves at a critical point in our evolution:

How do we grow and serve you better as a comprehensive media entity?

This is where we need your help. During the 2017 WSLR Fund Drive, we are asking you to “help us create and introduce a comprehensive media strategy to our community.” We want you to help us dream big. What would you like to see us accomplish as a media organization?

While you have always known WSLR as a radio station, the truth is that our mission is focused on creating a community media center and not just a radio station. We understand this might be a difficult task for most people to wrap their heads around, but one we feel our membership is ready and able to help us create.

Would you like to see WSLR operate video and television services? How about multiple audio programming streams? What about a WSLR publication? How about buying our building to make a permanent home for WSLR?

The 2017 WSLR Membership Drive will serve as the foundation for this capacity building. We are asking you to not only support the station with a financial contribution, but also step up to help create programming and provide us with feedback about your aspirations for the station.

WSLR needs to raise 33,000 dollars to help cover our operating expenses.