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Peace & Justice 6/14/17 9 am – Stand Up 4 Democracy PAC & the Senate healthcare bill

Written by on Monday, June 12, 2017

This Wednesday Sarasota resident Jeffrey Orenstein will talk about his new PAC Stand Up 4 Democracy and its goal of raising money from small member donations in order to elect  progressives to Congress and the state legislature. Jeffrey is a former political science professor and has written such books as Fixing American Government: Ending Gridlock and Apathy with a 21st Century Constitution.

On the second half of the show we’ll have Jan Schneider and Jenni Casale talking about healthcare and the current developments in the Senate. Jan is a former candidate for Congress and graduate of Yale law. Jenni is the Treasurer and Webmaster of Action Together Suncoast, the group that organized the 10,000 person march January 21. See www.actiontogethersuncoast.com.