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Referendum Renewal for Manatee Schools, and our Fall Membership Drive Wednesday, October 27 at 9am on Peace & Justice

Written by on Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tomorrow, October 27 at 9am, we’ll hear the latest Florida news from Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida.

Then we’ll talk to Kevin Chapman, Chief of Staff of the School District of Manatee County, and Ernie Withers, co-chair of ForwardManatee. They’ll describe the importance of voting to renew the 1-Mill Referendum, first passed in 2018, primarily to support teacher pay, increase instructional time and expand career, technical, STEM and art programs.

We’ll also be helping to kick off our WSLR/Fogartyville Fall Membership Drive. If you are already a member of WSLR+Fogartyville, THANK YOU! If you haven’t joined our community yet, we hope that you join this week. Your membership makes a difference. You can join online at WSLR.org or call the office at 941-894-6469.

Online there’s a place to mark what kind of programs you like, so please click “radio news and public affairs shows” and mark the Peace & Justice Report as one of your favorites. Tell your friends as well.

Bob and I will talk about some of the great guests we’ve had on the show over the last six months. See some of them here.

One more note from a friend of Peace & Justice, Dan Boxser. Dan writes that the Visions of Black Experience film festival is coming soon – November 12-21 – and there are scholarships available! The series is a collaboration involving the Sarasota Film Festival, the Boxser Diversity Initiative, New College of Florida, the Ringling Museum, the Multicultural Health Institute, and the Manasota ASALH, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Scholarships of up to $1000 are available and will be awarded based on submissions from local filmmakers from October 15th until November 15th. A project proposal must include either a script or a video pitch of no more than 5 minutes that explains the project in detail, as well as a budget for the project and an explanation of how the scholarship money (ranging from $500 for $1000 for one project) would be used to make sure the project would be finished.

For more information, go to http://visionsoftheblackexperience.com.

See you tomorrow!