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Ron Turner on elections & Pat Rounds on literacy – Wednesday, 9 a.m. – Peace & Justice

Written by on Sunday, July 22, 2018

This Wednesday our first guest will be Ron Turner, Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections. Ron will talk about the upcoming August 28 primary,  early voting locations and much more. His official website is sarasotavotes.com.

Fact about the  August primary election:

Right now there are 312,578 registered voters in Sarasota County.  If you would like to register to vote or update your party affiliation for the August 28 Primary Election, you must do so by July 30.

But everyone registered  gets to vote – even people who are registered with no political affiliation! NPAs can vote for a circuit judge and help decide the three school board races. Democrats will, in addition, choose which of seven candidates will run for Governor in November as a Democrat. Ditto for Attorney General and Commissioner of Agriculture. Democrats will also pick Jan Schneider or David Shapiro to run in November for Congressional District 16, and between Wesley Beggs and Mike Consentino to run for County Commission District 4. Republicans will have a similar set of choices.

NOTE: The August 28 results will be FINAL for the Nick Guy/Bridget Ziegler and the Shirley Brown/Karen Rose school board races! Read about that race in the latest edition of Fogartyville’s CRITICAL TIMES.

Vote by Mail ballots will be sent out July 24-31. (Note: Post office will not forward them.)

Early voting is August 18-25 at Sarasota, North Port and Venice Superintendent of Elections offices as well as North Sarasota Library and Westfield Sarasota Square Mall.  Early voting hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Election day August 28  – Hours 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

FInd your precinct voting location and print a  sample ballot based on your address by clicking HERE.


In our second half our guests will be volunteer Pat Rounds and Marylin Cox, Executive Director of the Sarasota Literacy Council. Also in the studio will be Literacy Council board members Mayu Fielding and Autumn Steiner,

Manatee Literacy Council is a volunteer-based nonprofit community organization dedicated to increasing the level of the functional literacy of adults in Manatee County through teaching the skills of reading, writing, understanding, and speaking English. Manatee Literacy Council has served the community since 1978. 1 in 5 Manatee County adults cannot read above a fifth-grade level. Manatee Literacy Council matches learners with volunteer tutors for one-on-one lessons. Services are provided confidentially and free of charge to Manatee County adults regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or socioeconomic status.