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Your Vote ’24

Scheduled on

Your Vote ’24 is a live and lively weekly half hour at 6PM
each Wednesday on WSLR 96.5FM, Sarasota’s Pacifica
On August 28 our in studio guests will be Sarasota City
Commission candidates Ron Kashden and Kathy Kelley
And Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Democratic Candidate for
US Senate, will join us LIVE in studio on September 4.
ELECTION 24 is co-hosted by Cathy Antunes and Juan
Montenegro with the support of WSLR staff.
Tune into ELECTION 24! Wednesdays, 6PM

Your Vote ’24 is a live and lively weekly half hour at 6PM
each Wednesday on WSLR 96.5FM, Sarasota’s Pacifica
On August 28 our in studio guests will be Sarasota City
Commission candidates Ron Kashden and Kathy Kelley
And Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Democratic Candidate for
US Senate, will join us LIVE in studio on September 4.
ELECTION 24 is co-hosted by Cathy Antunes and Juan
Montenegro with the support of WSLR staff.
Tune into ELECTION 24! Wednesdays, 6PM

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Your Vote ’24 team

Your Vote ’24 crew