Sustainable Communities Workshop then Manatee County Stand Down on Peace & Justice and Justice Matters at 9am Oct. 20

Written by on Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Missed the show? Listen on or archives! On Wednesday October 20 at 9am Bob and Tom on the Peace & Justice Report interviewed Alia Garrett. Alia is the Sustainability Outreach Coordinator for Sarasota County University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. There will be a Sustainability Communities Workshop November 10 with dozens of speakers. WSLR is a media sponsor. Check it out!

The second half of our show was devoted to JUSTICE MATTERS, brought to you on the third Wednesday of each month by Legal Aid of Manasota. Linda Harradine and Larry Eger interviewed Judge Charles Roberts and Assistant Public Defender Terry Drake about the upcoming Manatee County Stand Down for veterans and non-veterans coming on November 6 from 8am until noon.

Stand Down focuses on helping veterans and non-veterans who on on the brink of homelessness or are experiencing homelessness to receive critical needs services. Anyone who comes to Stand Down receives services that day. Plus there is live music, food, fun, and great camaraderie all morning!

These services include:
Amnesty Court (only for Veterans)
Veterans Services
General and Mental Health Screenings (including flu and COVID vaccines)
Dental Screenings
Eye Exams
Career Assistance
Distribution of Hygiene Products
Clothing Distribution
Florida ID/Drivers License (only for Veterans)
AND More!