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The Surreal News 9-10 AM Friday 5-17-19

Written by on Thursday, May 16, 2019

There has been something fishy going on in Washington for sometime now and apparently the House just can’t seem to catch the fish or at least locate the smell. Attorney General William Barr, acting more like the personal attorney for the president that the top law enforcement officer of the country, has refused to comply with a House request to testify. He has also refused to provide lawmakers with an unredacted copy of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference with the 2016 election and attempts by the president to obstruct that investigation. Other executive branch agencies are also refusing to comply with lawful subpoenas issued by the legislative branch. Are we in a Constitutional crisis? Maybe Aaron Scherb, (above) Director of legislative affairs for Common Cause in Washington DC, who is joining Steve and Lew, can offer an answer.