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This Week in Local Government

Written by on Sunday, May 12, 2024

On Monday, the City of Sarasota Commission will discuss climate change vulnerability and canopy management in a workshop. On Tuesday, the Sarasota Hospital Board will appoint an interim board member. At a budget workshop on Wednesday, the Sarasota County Commission will discuss transit and a land preservation purchase at Old Miakka. On Saturday, the Manatee County Commission will discuss long-term planning.


Monday (05/13)

Manatee County Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Captain Scott Moore will be talking about fisheries in Manatee County; proclamation expressing “unrelenting support for the Nation of Israel”; approval of school tax referendum in the November election; $10 million in bonds for construction of affordable single-family housing; approval of Emerson Point land purchase for preservation.

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, Patricia M. Glass Chambers, first floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


City of Sarasota Commission workshop (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion about vulnerability to climate change and sea water level rise; “urban forest” (canopy) management. Followed by a closed session to settle Anne Wilson v. City of Sarasota.

9:00 AM

City Hall, commission chambers, 1565 1st St, Sarasota, FL 34236


Tuesday (05/14)

City of Venice Council regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Ordinance change regarding temporary storage facilities; creation of a solid waste and recycling rate work group; change to lease agreement with Venice Pier Group.

9:00 AM

401 West Venice Avenue, Venice


Sarasota Public Hospital Board special meeting (agenda)

Highlight: Discussion to appoint someone to fill the vacancy for at-large Seat 3. At this point it appears that the board will select a former member Bill Noonan, who does not plan to run in the August primary or November election for the seat; public comment.

9:00 AM

 Old Board Room/Auditorium, 1st floor, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, 1700 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota


City of North Port Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: $1,000 subsidy for a “Family Christian Festival”; approval of letter of intent to buy an additional 2 million gallons of water per day from the Peace River Authority in DeSoto County; changes to the city’s comprehensive plan; adding $20.3 million to the current budget, mostly due to the police headquarters project; discussion of a possible joint meeting with Sarasota County and local state legislature delegation over Warm Mineral Springs.

10:00 AM

4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port, FL 34286


Manatee County School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Budget amendments for March; year-to-date finances.

10:00 AM

Walter Miller School Support Center, board room


Wednesday (05/15)

Sarasota County Commission budget workshop (agenda)

Highlights: Economic and legislative updates; transit spending; capital improvement program; funding the Old Miakka Preserve purchase under the Environmentally Sensitive Lands Program.

9:00 AM

County Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., third floor, Think Tank


City of Sarasota Development Review Committee (agenda)

Highlights: Slight changes for 1260 N. Palm Ave. Residences (formerly pitched as The Obsidian, the tallest tower yet in Sarasota), an 18-story, 14-unit hyper luxury condo tower in downtown; 701 Quay Commons (Quay Block 9), an 18-story mixed use luxury condo tower with 75 units and 4,406 square feet of commercial on the ground floor; Artists’ Court Residences (a 10-story, 242-unit luxury development on 200 S. Washington Blvd.), second submittal with slight changes; Lofts on Lemon II workforce housing (eight-story, 100 units on 851 N. Lemon Ave.), second submittal with slight changes.

9:00 AM

City Hall, commission chambers, 1565 1st St, Sarasota, FL 34236


Thursday (05/16)



Friday (05/17)



Saturday (05/18)

Manatee County Commission work session (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion about “smart growth”; water and wastewater planning; natural gas projects; landfill extension; ferry services; land preservation purchases; oyster beds; water quality initiative

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, Patricia M. Glass Chambers, first floor, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


Monday (05/20)

City of Sarasota Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: $1.4m more from state for Lido Beach renourishment; approve Renzo Piano as architect for a new performing arts center at the Bay Park.

9:00 AM

City Hall, commission chambers, 1565 1st St, Sarasota, FL 34236