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This Week in Local Government

Written by on Sunday, February 9, 2025

On Tuesday, the Sarasota City Commission will discuss the Sarasota Performing Arts Center concept design and implementation plan. The same day, the city planning board will discuss an appeal against the 1260 N. Palm luxury condo project. On Wednesday, the Sarasota County Commission will discuss request to rezone ag land near Celery Fields for home construction. And on Thursday, the Manatee County Planning Commission will discuss allowing construction on 217 acres of agricultural land in Parrish.


Monday (02/10)



Tuesday (02/11)

Sarasota County Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Report of joint meeting with City of Sarasota (transit, Bobby Jones, 17th St. regional park, affordable housing, stormwater management).

9:00 AM

Robert L. Anderson Administration Center, 4000 S. Tamiami Tr., Venice


City of Venice Council regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Rezones of several smaller properties; speed enforcement in school zones; Bayshore Road project; Venice Theatre matching grant.

9:00 AM

City Hall, 401 West Venice Avenue, Community Hall Room 165


Workshop City of Sarasota Commission meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion of Sarasota Performing Arts Center concept design and implementation plan; discussion of commission rules of procedure.

10:00 AM

City Hall chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Manatee County School Board regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Black History Month proclamation; student performance assessment results; purchase of land from Rye Ranch for construction of elementary school; naming of that school.

10:00 AM

Walter E. Miller School Support Center, 215 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


City of North Port Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion of referendum about taking on debt for construction of new police headquarters, new solid waste transfer station, and capital improvements to wastewater treatment plant. Public comment.

10:00 AM

City Hall, 4970 City Hall Blvd., chamber, North Port


Wednesday (02/12)

City of Bradenton Council regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Changes to comprehensive plan regarding hurricane evacuation, coastal management and conservation, coastal development, and coastal hazard; discussion about change to Promenade at Riverwalk plan.

8:30 AM

City Hall chambers, 101 Old Main St., Bradenton


Sarasota County Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Discussion of DR Horton rezone request to build 170 homes in the floodplain near Celery Fields.

9:00 AM

Sarasota County Administration Building, commission chamber, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota


City of Sarasota Planning Board (agenda)

Highlights: Neighbors’ appeal against 1260 N. Palm Residences (formerly known as Obsidian)

10:00 AM

City Hall chambers, 1565 First Street, Sarasota


Thursday (02/13)

Manatee County Planning Commission regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Rezone of 15 acres in Palmetto from agriculture to residential; Pope Ranch: rezone of 217 acres in Parrish from agriculture to planned development.

9:00 AM

Manatee County Administration Building, chambers, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton


New College board of trustees regular meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Approval of agreement with Sarasota-Manatee Airport Authority; approval of 9-acre donation from Manatee County; new marine mammal science master’s program.

3:00 PM

Livestream on YouTube. To make a public comment, go to ncf.edu/about/leadership/board-of-trustees/.


City of Sarasota Van Wezel Purple Ribbon Committee meeting (agenda)

Highlights: Public comment, assigning duties for report.

5:30 PM

City Hall commission chamber, 1565 1st Street, Sarasota


Friday (02/14)

City of Sarasota Commission Town Hall and retreat (agenda)

Highlights: Public comments on the City of Sarasota’s strategic plan. Immediately following, the commissioners will discuss the strategic plan.

9:00 AM

SRQ Media Studio, City Hall Annex, 1565 1st Street, Sarasota