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Wednesday 1-3-18 – Remembering Rev. Don Thompson, Peace & Justice host

Written by on Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The focus of this week’s show will be on Rev. Don Thompson. Don was a co-host of the Peace & Justice Report for more than ten years, and he passed away recently. We’ll talk to two social justice activists who were very familiar with Don’s passion for equality, peace, social and economic justice.
Our first guest will be Rev. Charles McKenzie,  He is the state of Florida Coordinator of Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow-PUSH Coalition and a former member of the state board of the Florida ACLU. He has been a public educator for over 25 years. as well as a  guest lecturer and speaker at churches, colleges, community centers, prisons, juvenile facilities, and public events across the state of Florida. He has been the recipient of a myriad of awards for community service.

 During the second half of the show we’ll be speaking with Rev. Bruce Wright. Bruce is a Baptist pastor and Director of Refuge Ministries who serves on the Executive Committee of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign.  Bruce is the host of the Revolutionary Road Radio Show which can be heard on the Tan Talk Radio Network.