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“Yesterday’s Dead Today”, Monday, July 3rd, 7-9pm Eastern

Written by on Sunday, July 2, 2017

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!”

Grateful Dead, Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford, Maine
Sunday July 3,
Thanks to Richard Danyko for the hook up
ripped and upped by Saint Stephen

When I first starded trading tapes around 1992, I used to trade for a “run” of shows whenever possible, and sometimes I had to leave it up to the other trader to just recommend shows to me in return. This and 7/2 are two of my oldest, and more-appreciated concerts by far. I still have all my cassettes…

Funny story, though: back almost to the beginning of WSLR or so(August 2005), I was listening to WMNF’s “Freak Show”, Tuesday evenings, and the late Vicki Santa(Deadhead and co-host along with host Ed “Grateful Ed” Greene) was subbing for Ed. She started playing 7/2/88, but the recording was horribly broken. She announced, “Mark Binder: if you’re listening, I need a replacement!” I sent her not only 7/2, but 7/3 as well, “just in case” she needed it too…here is a tribute to Vicki:

This is a fine, fine digital soundboard to boot!

Disc 1 – Set 1:
1. Hell In A Bucket >
2. Sugaree
3. Walkin’ Blues
4. Tennessee Jed
5. Queen Jane Approximately
6. Bird Song

Set 2:
7. Touch of Grey
8. Hey Pocky Way
9. Looks Like Rain

Disc 2 – Set 2 cont’d.:
1. Estimated Prophet >
2. Eyes Of The World >
3. I Will Take You Home >
4. Drums >
5. Space >
6. Goin’ Down The Road, Feelin’ Bad >
7. I Need A Miracle >
8. Dear Mr. Fantasy >
9. Hey Jude Finale

10. Not Fade Away

REVIEW: Good Ole Time!!!
These two shows were awesome!!! Great place and the on site camping scene was really cool. It was
notable that an ultra-light plane was flying over the crowd rather low during Bird Song!!! The crowd
loved it, but I am sure that it un-nerved the Dead and management. These tapes sound great…crystal
clear with great bass extension…

REVIEW: Dead in oxford 88
I lived in oxford at the time and this was the best of shows. But it pretty much freaked out the town of
oxford pop.5000 When 60,000 dead heads showed up for the show. But It was good to have you all in
our backyard for the weekend.

REVIEW: I remember that ultra lite as well
I seem to be the only one of my group who remembers that so thanks for the confirmation. You never
know when you have been caught dreaming. Those shows were amazing but the scene was beyond. Too
bad we cant bottle up all these good times and release them with every tape.

REVIEW: memories
these gigs were my first and i came from scotland to see them..too many memories to mention but what
is vivid after all this time is how many wonderful people i met.I remember the plane too..and does
anyone remember the guy climbing up the huge fence with the crowd urging him on?..great gig,great
time,great expierence.

REVIEW: Good Times……
These shows were some great times,this was one of those places where we made our own universe
without it being soiled with negative vibes from the local authorities…..Remember this one tourhead
walking around Sunday morning,which would be the morning of this show,with a soda can cardboard
flat of quarters of the Kind with no disguise,how great is that ?? “Gone Are The Days……….”

REVIEW: pennywise
what can u say about oxford last great parking lot scene spent the 1st night wandering the woods lost
seeking pennywise the clown HIGH BIRD WAS I!!! total power-PHIL shows

REVIEW: The perfect weekend
Bird Song pic: http://dozin.com/pics/gd.jpg
Summer tour 88. I call it, “Nothing but Footprints Tour”. Every Head was on their best behavior. The
band was stressing over how to keep the scene going with the ever growing popularity. Oxford was
trashed by the events the week before because of the Monsters of Rock fans. The town was scared of
the Grateful Dead coming to town. The word got around and we left nothing but footprints. Maine
papers reported that it was a most enjoyable weekend for all people especially the towns people. Oxford
was truly the perfect weekend.

REVIEW: One of my Favorites!!!
The good quality brings back great memories of the our Maine road trip and camping-out with the
heads in the middle no-where! This is a good Phil show too!

REVIEW: Bird Song!
This was a great first show for me, I had no idea what i was in for, The town was great,the bus came by,
I got on, and this is when it all began!!! I just remember the guy flying over the crowd on a powered
handglider during Bird Song and band almost stopping in amazement. One of the best show
experiences ive ever had!Little feat got the band in a really good space! How about Bobby’s pink

REVIEW: Don’t miss
This show should not go unnoticed. The sound is excellent A+. The playing is inspired and full of
energy especially Brent. Solid Touch of Grey which was historically inconsistent. Great Hey Pocky
Way really showcasing Brent. Well worth the download you will not be dissappointed.

REVIEW: another great oxford
Very clean sound on this (Phil is very sharp and clean on this). Really good show, though I prefer the
1st night more. The 1st set is a bit short (by ’88 standards … 6 songs seemed to become more of the
norm by the mid-90’s), but a great Birdsong to close out the set. There’s a funny LL Rain tease in the
2nd set, before they bail out and do Hey Pocky instead.

Many, many more reviews on just this one recording alone. You get the picture!


“Today’s Dead Tomorrow”, Upcoming Gig Events
As always, verify with the venue…

Kettle Of Fish:
Siesta Key Oyster Bar, Wed., July 5th, 7:00 p.m.
5238 Ocean Blvd, Sarasota, 346-5443

Marina Jack’s Patio Bar, Thurs., July 6th, 6:00 p.m.
2 Marina Plaza, Sarasota, 365-4232

McCabe’s Irish Pub, Fri., July 7th, 9:00 p.m.
302 12th St. W., Bradenton, 896-3126

Blue Marlin AMI, Sat. July 8th, 7:00 p.m.
121 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach, 896-9737

Schmitz Brothers Band:
Big Top Brewing Company, Sat. July 8th, 7:00 p.m.
6111 Porter Way, Sarasota, 371-2939

Ship Of Fools:
5 O’Clock Club, Sat. July 8th, 9:30 p.m.
1930 Hillview St., Sarasota, 366-5555

The Blue Rooster:
Tues., July 4th, Memphis Rub Band, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Wed., July 5th, David Julia Band, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Thurs., July 6th, Ellie Lee & The Blues Fury, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Fri., July 7th, Heather Gillis Band, 8:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Sat., July 8th, Ben Prestage, 8:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Sun., July 9th, Bradenton Gospel Boys gospel brunch, Noon – 2:30 p.m.
1525 Fourth St., Sarasota, 388-7539

J.R.’s Old Packinghouse Cafe: (all shows start at 7:00 p.m.)
Mon., July 3rd, Open Mic with Rick Alvis
Tues., July 4th, closed
Wed., July 5th, Sundogs
Thurs., July 6th, The Joneses
Fri., July 7th, Divebombers
Sat., July 8th, John Howard & The Smokin’ J’s
987 South Packinghouse Road, 371-9358

Sarasota Folk Club:
This month’s Sarasota Sailing Squadron concert is Mon., July 31st, Bill & Eli Perras.
Open mic at 7:15 p.m., concert at 8:30

1717 Ken Thompson Pkwy. 388-2355
For all information regarding the Sarasota Folk Club, go to their website: