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Author: Mark Binder

Page: 35

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Before tonight’s “official” broadcast: Bob Rivers Band – ‘Oh Come All Ye Grateful Dead-Heads” Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band – “Christmas Times A’Coming”(12/6/87) Grateful Dead, Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA 12/19/69 SBD MR>C>D>CD + AUD low-gen The SBD used was the Scott Clugston seed” 7″ Master Soundboard Reels […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino, CA December 12, 1980 3 Source Matrix by David Usborne: A fine, fine recording! Scroll down past the reviews for detailed info on recordings information and comments from Ron Goldshine and John Musgrave(tapers of the second audience recording) entitled “Memories”… Disc […]

“Ripper’s Rarities”, Friday, Dec. 9th, 7-9 p.m. Eastern Community Radio WSLR 96.5 FM, Sarasota WBPV Bradenton LPFM 100.1 Join me, Mark Binder, Friday, Dec. 9th, 7-9 p.m. Eastern, when I sub on “Ripper’s Rarities”, for The Ripper, Russ Yodice… When I cover another programmer’s show, I kinda operate in several different ways: sometimes I broadcast […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Uptown Theatre, Chicago, IL December 5, 1979 Matrix SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat (44.1k) -> Data DVR Recordist unknown All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller Master Audience Cassette; 2 Sennheiser 421s + Sennheiser 441 Recording by Ira Frisch, Transfer and SHN encoding by […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” While I could be wrong, I don’t find these anywhere on the internet: Jerry Garcia & John Kahn, Bushnell Hall, Hartford, CT November 26, 1984 Matrix recording: SBD: Source: MSC > C FOB: Nak300cartoids > SonyD5 > MAC This is a warmer, richer sound than the board […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Neither recording seems to reside in the Internet Archive: Log Cabin Boys, American Legion Log Cabin,San Anselmo, CA November 23, 1986 Sony ECM-939T > Cassette Master (Sony D6/TDK MA-R90) Recorded by Steve Marcus All transfers and mastering By Charlie Miller Thanks to Sandy Rothman for finding Steve’s […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Starting off this evening’s broadcast, while I try to never play official releases, I would like to dedicate the following to all those in the United States who will become disenfrancised in so many different ways in the next few years: New Riders Of The Purple Sage, […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Community War Memorial, Rochester N.Y.November 7, 1985 Soundboard MSC > Reel to Reel > DAT > CDR CDR via Dave Shepard EAC’ed, shn’ed & Patched by Charlie Connor 9/7/01 Audience patches: Charlie Connor’s Master Audience Cassette (Maxell MX90) FOB AUD>Beyer Dynamic M88’s>Sony TCD5M(CM)>Nak DR-10 Out […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” As you may or may not know, John Zacherle, better know as television horror show host “Roland”(“ro-LAHND”) in Philadelphia and “Zacherley” in New York in the late 50s and early 60s, passed away this past Friday. Since tonight is Halloween, here is Zacherley introducing The Grateful Dead […]

Grateful Dead, Eastown Theatre, Detroit, MI10/24/71 Master Soundboard Reel > Cassette > DAT > CDR EAC’ed / SHN’ed by Scott Clugston (“made possible thru the usual group of suspects/mental patients”) Neither this date nor 1972 are listed in the “Taper’s Compendium”, but it is a wonderful, early recording. Keith had only been playing with the […]