Thursday, January 4, 2024
The Sarasota City Commission seems ready to make this a defining issue for ‘home rule’.
Two years into the fight and with a loss under their belt, hotel developers are at it again.
Tom Walker
Monday, January 1, 2024
This Wednesday, January 3 at 9am, we’ll talk to Michael Zweig, author of Class, Race and Gender: Challenging the Injuries and Divisions of Capitalism. Then we’ll interview Asya Stewart, co-founder of the new Sarasota Children’s Museum.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
In a workshop on Monday, Jan. 8, the City of Sarasota commission will discuss comprehensive plan changes that would allow higher density along thoroughfares to encourage construction of workforce housing.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
This Wednesday, December 27 at 9am, we’ll talk about the conflict in Gaza. First we’ll talk to Ron Kenan who leads pro-Israel demonstrations the Sarasota farmers’ market each week. Then we’ll talk to Dan Callaghan, of Florida Peace Action. For more visit, or
Friday, December 22, 2023
With 1.45 million signatures, and 12 of 14 districts secured, the petitioners are now girding for the next battle: The referendum
Plaintiffs decide to appeal, ‘go all the way’.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
But the 1,600-plus acres of preserve are about to be surrounded by urban sprawl.
Lunch is not entirely free for most students, and that means arrears for many.
But the problem runs deeper than marijuana arrests, says one mom. It’s about arrests in general.
WSLR+Fogartyville is a center for creative expression and community engagement that amplifies the voices of our diverse community, and promotes peace, sustainability, democracy, and economic and social justice.
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