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The Environmental Working Group (EWG) a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting the environment and human health recently discovered the disturbing contamination of all surface water, including drinking water, with chemicals that do not ever go away. Sydney Evans (above), one of the scientists at EWG who worked on this investigation is joining Steve and […]

Why are women missing in music? Why are the Grammy Awards still struggling with gender imbalance? Dana and Ryan will bring you hits from female Grammy winners of the past and present. Friday, January 31st- 9 to 11pm Listen Live at 96.5 or wslr.org or anytime at archive.wslr.org

This Wednesday, January 29 at 9am, we’ll have as our guest Peter Georgescu, author of the book Capitalists, Arise!: End Economic Inequality, Grow the Middle Class, Heal the Nation. Peter will be speaking at Sarasota Institute for Lifetime Learning the same morning. For tickets go to www.sillsarasota.org. Peter Georgescu arrived in this country as a […]

“It is said that, if you lined up all those who have ever been to a Grateful Dead concert head-to-toe, the line would stretch around the moon, and about halfway back. And nobody would complain!” As necessary for each show, when there is no Grateful Dead or Dead-Family show suitable for the day, I go […]

In 2018, the passage of Amendment 4 that intended to restore the right to vote for more than a million former felons was reason for all fans of fairness and democracy to cheer. And cheer they did until others in the state reminded them why it took a constitutional amendment to basically be fair to […]

MY GUEST: Belinda Mobley Coney SATURDAY, JANUARY 25from 9am to 9:30am. 🎤Meet Belinda Mobley ConeyIn 1997, Belinda life turned for the better, afternoon she went through a deep dark moment in her life. On Saturday, during her interview, she will share her story of fulfillment and change through personal growth.

Monday, January 20, 2020

HOWDY, Hey folks! I hope everything is going well with you out there? Well I’m gonna be back this Wednesday night for yet another addition of the Acoustic Waves Show! This show I will be cleaning house because my playlist will be filled with songs that got pushed to the side from previous shows. I’ll […]

“It is said that, if you lined up all those who have ever been to a Grateful Dead concert head-to-toe, the line would stretch around the moon, and about halfway back. And nobody would complain!” Grateful Dead Shea’s Theatre,, Buffalo, N.Y. January 20, 1979 Bertha Remaster of Jerry Moore’s Master Cassette source. For those of […]

Our first guest this Wednesday will be Erik Gustafson, Executive Director of EPIC: Enabling Peace in Iraq Center. EPIC was founded by veterans of the Gulf War in 1998. We’ll also be joined by Gene Jones and John Feagan from the Florida Veterans for Common Sense. Erik writes: “One timely topic worth discussing will be […]

The Florida Legislature opened for business this week ready to take on a variety of issues including but not limited to: funding pay raises for teachers, allowing formers felons to use the vote residents decided they deserved, school safety, and gun control. State Rep. Margaret Good representing District 72 will join Steve and Lew to […]