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Happy October Everyone ! Some people like a month of Xmas music. Others like a month of Halloween music. And that is just what you will get from HRR in Oct.. May break tradition on the 17th for the WSLR marathon. Lots going on, fall is here and that means bands are going to start […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Centrum, Worcester, MA October 8, 1984 SBD > MC > DAT > CDR Patch Source: AUDMC > Nakamichi DR-1 cassette deck > HHB 850 CDR Aud Taper Matt Rice Nakamichi CM 100 mics w/ shotgun capsules > Sony D5 cassette deck “Thanks to (Sarasota-area local […]

From WSLR 96.5 LP-FM, this is a special installment of the Critical Times. We have Dennis Maley, reporter and senior editor of the Bradenton Times in the studio with Jeff Weaver, he was the Campaign Manager for 2016 Presidential Candidate, Bernie Sanders. Maley and Weaver discuss the current political climate in the US, and why […]

As somebody once noted, all politics is local.  Abiding by that truism, attorney Melton Little (above), Democratic candidate for the District 4 seat in the Manatee County Commission will join Lew and Bill Stoner this week to talk about his campaign  and the issues that are concerning (or should be concerning) Manatee County voters.

From WSLR 96.5 LP-FM, this is the Critical Times. I’m Giulia Heyward and, for the next half hour, we’ll be reporting on local politics and grassroots activism, all happening in your backyard. The General Election is on November 6th. We’re talking with some of those names that you’ll see on that ballot. Republican candidate, Ray […]

There will be up to nineteen  questions on the ballot in Sarasota County in this election. Twelve of the questions are about revisions to the Florida state constitution and the rest concern local Sarasota County matters, including a Sarasota city question and a North Port charter question. Obviously you’ll want to avoid the long lines […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Garcia Grass O’Leary’s Pub, Scranton, PA October 3, 2015 Matrix: Soundboard + AKG C414 XLS/ST (On Stage) mics > Grace Design Lunatec V3 > Sound Devices 744t Billy Gilmore appeared live at Fogartyville at our 2017 “Very Merry Jerry Day” with “The Grass Is Dead”. https://www.facebook.com/Garciagrass Set […]

From WSLR 96.5 LP-FM, this is the Critical Times. I’m Giulia Heyward and, for the next half hour, we’ll be reporting on local politics and grassroots activism, all happening in your backyard. The General Election is on November 6th. We’re talking with some of those names that you’ll see on that ballot. Republican candidate, Ray […]

Midway through the compelling Senate hearing of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony about her allegation that  Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to  rape  her,  Lew taped an interview with Jill Wine-Banks (above), former Watergate prosecutor, first female General Counsel  to the US Army, first female head of the American Bar Association, and regular commentator […]

It came from the garage! Well no this week’s show is from my music collection. Be featuring past and present garage bands. Some of it is pretty poppy , regardless it is a different sound from what I have been playing last couple shows. So for those looking for a new kind of kick, tune […]