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Next Wednesday 8/1/18 we’ll talk to  Connie Kauffman of Empowerment Group. Below is a little about her group. We’ll hear her stories on Wednesday. Empowerment Group (Suncoast Youth Foundation) is a non-profit 501(c)3 that reaches out to working young adults, age 18 to 35, who are struggling financially but lack resources, causing susceptibility to self-harm […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Be prepared to get your recorders rolling because these recordings are the property of WSLR! “Very Merry Jerry Day” WSLR 96.5 LPFM Sarasota Community Radio Fogartyville Community Media & Arts Center Sarasota, Florida August 7, 2017 Soundboard/Audience matrix: Mono Soundboard + (3) panned mics front of stage […]

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”330268″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”117516″][kc_column_text] The election season is upon us. In fewer than 100 days Floridians will be deciding on the next governor, one of our two Senators, our local House of Representatives entry as well as a host of other statewide races. With the primaries scheduled for the end […]

This Wednesday our first guest will be Ron Turner, Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections. Ron will talk about the upcoming August 28 primary,  early voting locations and much more. His official website is sarasotavotes.com. Fact about the  August primary election: Right now there are 312,578 registered voters in Sarasota County.  If you would like to register […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Old & In The Way, Keystone, Berkeley, CA 7/21/73b MR@7.5 ips(Recorded by Betty Cantor on her Nagra) > R@ 3.3/4ips (Jerry Garcia copy) > R @3.3/34 ips(Will Boswell) Two early recordings of Old And In The Way. The two commercially-released cds were recorded later on, at the […]

If you have been to the beach lately or Lake Okeechobee you may have noticed the unpleasant odor of rotting fish and disturbing sight of blue-green slime coating the water and shorelines. Guess what? Its red tide season again! And who said we have no seasons in Florida. Just like winter, summer, spring and fall, […]

Another Monday mix.  “From the Mountains and Beyond” will be signing off and taking a break on Monday August 13th, 2018. It has been almost 14 full years of an amazing adventure with WSLR. I can’t thank you all enough for your support, friendships made, for being able to share with you the love I […]

Things that turn my crank this week. – 45 days give or take till Muddy Roots! http://muddyrootsrecords.com/mr_events/news.php#muddy-roots-2018-announced -SuperSuckers on going on their 30 Anniversary tour and will be at the Brass Mug on Sept 11th. We are early in the tour! Three set show with a acoustic set. http://supersuckers.com/tour/ http://supersuckers.com/ – Kogar the Swinging Ape […]

To those of you who might have seen last week’s mistaken post, this is correct! “There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Rich Stadium, Buffalo, NY July 16, 1990 SBD > DAT > CD’s > EAC > SHN Shn-coded and uploaded to e-tree by Randall Ward off a seed from Matt Knapp […]