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Among the many important groups being attacked by the current Republican-controlled government, none seem to be more vilified (for no good reason) than Planned Parenthood. Barbara Zdravecky (above),  president of Planned Parenthood of the Southwest and Central Florida is joining Steve and Lew to talk about how that group is surviving and continuing its work ensuring […]

This Wednesday, April 5, our first guest will be Jeanne Massey, Executive Director of Fair Vote Minnesota. She’s speaking this Sunday at Fogartyville at 3 p.m. about Ranked Choice Voting (formerly ‘Instant Runoff’ voting). The website fairvote.org has more information on RCV. Then we’ll have a pre-recorded conversation with Ria Cooper, Education and Outreach Specialist at […]

Tune in this afternoon for the best in roots and boots music as we ride along listening to new releases from Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit, Samantha Fish, Two Tons of Steel, Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors, The Kernal, Railroad Earth and more! We’ll also hear some old favorites that you may not have […]

Today’s show will feature “Stringbreak Festival”  which kicks off this Thursday night . Enjoy a variety of music from Artists that will appearing on 3 stages and 4 days of music camping friendly fun.   Happy Monday

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, VA April 3, 1982 SBD -> Cassette Master -> ? -> Cassette -> CD Transfer: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller Thanks to Matt Smith for the discs The audience patches are all from […]

While it is difficult to take one’s eyes off Washington (sort of like the compulsion to stare at a gory traffic  accident), there are things happening in Tallahassee that should concern Floridians. Florida League of Women Voters president, Pamela Goodman (above) will join Steve and Lew this week to update us on the League’s positions […]

Just a simple reminder “From the Mountains and Beyond” airs today 4-6pm. Reaching out for your support to the best Community Radio Station and it’s right here in Sarasota through WSLR 96.5fm during our Spring Fund Drive. Commercial free and all volunteer run. Myself and Co host Annie will be bringing some great music in […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Spring ‘17 On-Air Membership Drive Remember, folks, that Monday evening, March 27th, 7-9p Eastern, it my slot in this year’s Spring ‘17 On-Air Membership Drive. Grateful Dead, from “today in history”, interspersed once a month or so with groups outside the official Grateful Dead Family envelope, or […]

This Wednesday morning, March 29, at 9 a.m. we’ll have Andy Mele from Suncoast Waterkeeper and Adrien Lucas  talking about local threats to our environment and efforts to resist them. Then Ali Vallarta will talk about the Sarasota Film Festival being held from March 31 to April 9, mostly at the Hollywood 20 theaters. She’ll […]