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Housing Justice Organizing Meeting

Event info
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm

Tuesday, August 30, 6pm

The Manasota Tenants Union will hold its first organizing meeting for housing justice.  Sarasota and Manatee counties are experiencing an unprecedented housing crisis. Skyrocketing rents are squeezing workers. Thousands have been evicted while hundreds are living in hotels/motels. Many individuals and families already lost their housing and are now homeless. Many workers continue to leave the area and the state of Florida in search of affordable housing elsewhere. Despite the severity of the housing crisis, local governments including in Sarasota, have failed to take any steps to maintain people in their homes. Landlords have been allowed to increase rents, evict tenants and set ridiculous application requirements without limitations.

There are many steps that City and County governments can implement to alleviate the housing crisis and evictions. But they will only act if we THE PEOPLE organize and demand that they take action. Join the Manasota Tenants Union for this important community organizing meeting. They will share important steps being implemented in other cities and Sarasotans can fight for similar protections right here at home.

If you would like to join the Manasota Tenants Union mailing list, please fill out the form here. Please fill out this form if you are unable to attend the meeting, but would like to receive information about future meetings.

For more information, please email: manasotatenantsunion@gmail.com.

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