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February Board Meeting

Written by on Friday, February 16, 2024

Topic: WSLR Board Meeting – Virtual
Time: Feb 19, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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WSLR+Fogartyville Board Meeting Agenda

February 19, 2024 6:00 PM

CHECK IN (prior to official start of meeting – please try to join the call at 5:45pm)

Each Board Member should give an update on their efforts on behalf of the organization.  Try to limit check-in to one minute.



  • Approval of Agenda 
  • Approval of Minutes from January 2024 meeting
  • Committee Reports
  • Finance Committee – Stan
  • Programming Committee Report – Sebastien
  • Governance Committee Report – Sharon (did not meet)
  • Fund Development Committee Report – Paul
  • HR/Executive Committee Report – Brian
  • Management Team Report – February report
  • Anti-Racism and Cultural Inclusion Committee Report (did not meet)
  • Vote on approval of Consent Agenda
  1. Treasurer Report (Review of Financials) – Stan
  1. Updates and Changes since January 2024 Board Meeting
  •                      Move to accept Treasurer’s Report
      • $25,000 additional added to CD at Achieva – renewed for 12 months at 4.9% 
  1. Old Business
  1. New Business
  • Spring Fund Drive – discuss Board goals/other ways to participate – Jesse
  • Date and invitees for next Donor Party


  1. Public Comment
  2. Future Dates:
  • February 20 – Breaking the News film / reception with WMNF & WSLR News Team
  • March 9, 10am – Spring Fund Drive Training
  • March 18, 6pm – Board Meeting
  • April 2 – April 10 – Spring Fund Drive


  1. Motion to Adjourn – 7:30 (or sooner)