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Howdy Kids!

Written by on Tuesday, October 11, 2022

  Hey there Folks!

   I hope you made it through the storm with little disruption to your life.  Have faith, it will work out!  I was supposed to have a show on the day Ian came to town but cooler heads prevailed and I stayed at home.  So tomorrow night show will be the show I was gonna air!  On tap to this show will be Chris Smither, Ray Bonneville, Bela Fleck, Joy Kills Sorrow, Gove Scrivenor and Carrie Newcomer to get the ball rolling.  As always the request lines will be open!

    We have all been through a lot. Some have lost much while some just made it through with minor damage.  It is time to stop and take a much needed deep breath.  Let love and compassion rule the day.  I hope to see you tomorrow night stating at 7pm on the greatest little radio station in Florida.