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Peace & Justice April 5: Ranked Choice Voting, Faces of Change and A.R.M.S. march.

Written by on Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This Wednesday, April 5, our first guest will be Jeanne Massey, Executive Director of Fair Vote Minnesota. She’s speaking this Sunday at Fogartyville at 3 p.m. about Ranked Choice Voting (formerly ‘Instant Runoff’ voting). The website fairvote.org has more information on RCV.

Then we’ll have a pre-recorded conversation with Ria Cooper, Education and Outreach Specialist at the Asolo Repertory Theatre, about this Wednesday’s first performance of FACES OF CHANGE, created from the words of local residents, responding to ‘Racially-motivated violence is more visible today than ever. How do we respond, and how can we take action where we live?’

Finally, Alysia Crawford will be here talking about “A Call to A.R.M.S. Silent March” which she’s organized for this Saturday, April 8 at 2pm starting at The Kiss statue, about those trapped in warfare, disease, poverty, genocide and oppression.

If you’re reading this after Wednesday morning April 5, just go to our archives.