Peace & Justice has moved! Please join Bob Connors and Tom Walker tomorrow, October 5, at 9AM for a discussion of two topics:

Nathan Proctor
Our first guest will be Nathan Proctor, the national campaign director with Fair Share, working on corporate taxes and corporate accountability. Fair Share is a national grassroots organizing group that stand for “an American where everyone gets their fair share; does and pays their fair share and plays by the same rules.” We’ll talk about huge corporate loopholes which allow corporations like Apple to avoid federal taxes, shifting the burden to the rest of us.

Arlene Sweeting

Mike Shlasko
Next we’ll talk to Arlene Sweeting and Mike Shlasko who are both running for the Sarasota County Charter Review Board. The Charter is our county constitution. Arlene and Mike will explain what it contains and why it’s important to keep it in the people’s hands.
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