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People Who Tell the Truth on Peace & Justice, Wednesday July 28, at 9am

Written by on Monday, July 26, 2021

This Wednesday our guest will be Robert Shetterly, the artist behind American Who Tell the Truth. Robert creates portraits of citizens who courageously address issues of social, environmental, and economic fairness. “By combining art and other media, AWTT offers resources to inspire a new generation of engaged Americans who will act for the common good, our communities, and the Earth.”

“The next portrait for the Americans Who Tell the Truth project will be Daniel Hale, the former Air Force analyst and drone whistleblower who released classified documents showing that nearly 90% of the casualties of U.S. drone assassination missions are civilians—children, women, workers, farmers, and other people who show up as shadows on drone pilot computer screens and are subsequently rendered permanent shadows. Hale will be sentenced on July 27 in Alexandria, Virginia for the crime of truth telling.”

His Speaking Truth to Youth videos reflect AWTT’s belief that “our portrait subjects are not superheroes but real people whose work is driven by moral courage and a passion for truth and justice. In these interviews, we hope to capture them in that spirit – sitting at home, sharing their thoughts in conversation.  They are intentionally unpolished and authentic.  We hope you enjoy a window into the lives of these models of courageous citizenship and realize that you, too, can be an activist – someone with the courage to act for social, economic, and environmental fairness.  It’s your moment!”