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Teen recovery then hazing dangers on Peace & Justice, Wednesday April 12, at 9am.

Written by on Monday, April 10, 2023

First we’ll talk to Leslie Glass, co-founder of Reach Out Recovery. Reach Out Recovery is focused on addiction education, prevention, and family wellness and crafts meaningful content for millions of people impacted by addiction and mental illness. We’ll also talk to two students who have benefitted from Reach Out Recovery.

On the second half of the show, we’ll talk to the film Hazing director Byron Hurt and producer Natalie Bullock Brown. Hazing will be shown at Fogartyville at 6pm on April 18. Hazing is a widespread, far-reaching practice fueled by tradition, secrecy, groupthink, power, and the desire to belong in fraternities and sororities on college campuses across the U.S. The film explores the underground rituals of hazing, revealing the abusive lengths college students will go to fit in.