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“Yesterday’s Dead Today”, Monday, July 10th, 7-9pm Eastern

Written by on Sunday, July 9, 2023

I’ve seen thousands of reviews over the years, but this actually explains “A Deadhead”…
“REVIEW: stella
As a new fan of the Dead it was years before I realized the importance of the tears streaming down
the face of the girl beside me. She seemed to be having a religious experience. Now I know why”

Grateful Dead
Carter-Finley Stadium, Raleigh, NC
July 10, 1990
SBD > MC > DAT > EAC > SHN by unknown taper…

Disc 1 – Set 1:
1. Jack Straw
2. Loser
3. We Can Run
4. Me And My Uncle ›
5. Big River
6. Friend Of The Devil
7. When I Paint My Masterpiece//

Disc 2 – Set 1 cont’d.:
1. Bird Song ›
2. The Promised Land

Set 2:
3. Iko Iko
4. Playing In The Band ›
5. Uncle John’s Band ›
6. Playing Jam ›

Disc 3 – Set 2 cont’d.:
1. Drums › Space ›
2. The Other One ›
3. Stella Blue ›
4. Not Fade Away

5. Brokedown Palace

“Bruce Hornsby on accordian during Jack Straw, and probably some other songs. Garcia
introduces Hornsby after Jack Straw. He is inaudible in the mix otherwise.”

REVIEW: Did anyone remember the lightning bolt?
About a third of the way through of Promised Land a lightning bolt hit the back of the stage and
knocked most of the power out, I believe Phil was still powered up. A coincidental happening? I
tend to say no. Seems like I could never find anything more majical and freeflowing as these
summer shows, thank you boys!!!!!

REVIEW: Nice show with Bruce in tow
Classic summer ’90 show with Bruce Hornsby on accordian for a handful of songs. Band on great
form throughout. Masterpiece is however quite badly cut at the end – probably a minute or two
missing. A great listen all the same – especially with Hornsby.

REVIEW: The Storm
It was a HOT Carolina Day. The lot was a dustbowl. But as we filed in, rain clouds appeared out
of nowhere and it began to pour. Now cool, the storm moved directly behind the stage as it began
to thunder and lightning and the band began to play. It was unbelievable. Granted the power went
out, but I didn’t have anything else to do but wait, and wonder…

REVIEW: Everything’s Finer in Carolina
A great day in Raleigh. Overall the crowd was ultra-jazzed, good atmosphere, nice grassy lot to
roam before & after, solid show. Before Masterpiece, notice all the crowd cheers for the people
sliding down the muddy hill at the back of the stadium. Looked like fun, but most were gate
crashers. Nice recording.

REVIEW: The heads took the hill!!
remember during Bird Song when the heads took the far slope-people were slipping on the grass
trying to run from the cops-everybody was cheering for them and the cops finally gave up and let
them have it. This is one of my favorite shows-it definitely has an energy all it’s own. I thought
Jerry was crying during Stella Blue.

REVIEW: this was my first show
It’s amazing to find it online like this. I was on the floor, right in the middle, drenched through
the first set. The heat lightning through the second set was amazing. I was out of my mind. This
show changed my life.

REVIEW: 7-10-90
The Bird Song is really where the show gets going for me. The backstretch is pretty strong
straight thru.

REVIEW: raleigh
what a fun night!!! enjoyin streaming this at work!! cant wait to hear the crowd during the

REVIEW: promised land at Carter-Finley 1990
I remember the great thunderstorm and the power outage and how the band started back up after
about 20 minutes on the exact note they left off on. Can anyone confirm or deny my foggy
memory that the roadies brought out life-size cardboard cutouts of the band and stood them up at
each members spot until the power was restored? Maybe some other force was at work that
caused us to think that we saw that…

yeah, this was the fabled Promised Land perhaps my only solid memory from this show besides
laying underneath a car like a dog and trying to beat the intense heat.

And many more, most discussing “the heads sliding on ‘the grassy knoll’…”.

COMMENTS (1) There is a PA dropout in the middle of Promised Land, without a break in the
tape–the timing would appear correct. Deadbase notes a “power outage” during Promised.
Very small portion of Masterpiece is cut at the end, approximately 10 seconds. Bruce Hornsby on
Accordian during Jack Straw, and probably some other songs. Garcia introduces Hornsby after
Jack Straw. He is inaudible in the mix otherwise. Before “We Can Run,” Weir
apologizes for “minute technical adjustments,” that should take “30 seconds or
so.” Healy puts the echo on “30 seconds or so,” and it repeats many times.

“Today’s Dead Tomorrow”, Upcoming Gig Events
As always, verify with the venue…

Remember, folks, to call the venue to see if they are indeed open in the
first place, and the event is going on as scheduled, and what protocols are in place.

Dana Lawrence:
Siesta Key Oyster Bar, Thurs., July 13th, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
5238 Ocean Blvd, Sarasota, 346-5443

Schmitz Brothers Band:
Brewburgers Back Porch, Sat., July 15th, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m
525 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, 484-2337

J.R.’s Old Packinghouse Cafe:
Mon., July 10th, Alvis Brothers Band, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues., July 11th, Pedro & Zooey, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Wed., July 12th, Rock Miller, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thurs., July 13th, Richey Kicklighter, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Fri., July 14th, White Crowe Band, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Sat., July 15th, Mumbo Jumbo, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
987 South Packinghouse Road, Sarasota, 371-9358

Yesterday’s Dead Today”, on WSLR, is supported by you, our listeners, as well as by:
Old Packinghouse Café:
South-of-the-Border complimenting southern dinners in a down-home
atmosphere. Live music Monday through Saturday.
987 South Packinghouse Road. 371-9358

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transactions by providing concierge real estate services. 941-350-1220 www.sarasotawowhomes.com

WSLR-LP 96.5 FM Sarasota, Community Radio
“96.5 on your FM dial, WSLR.org on your computer dial, 941-954-8636 on your phone dial”